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All Things Are Better in Koine

I’ve posted this hilarious and awesome video before, but it’s appearing again today because on this day I have begun self-studying Koine Greek! I have wanted to do this for a long time, but never made real plans until recently.

What I’m Using

  1. Mounce’s Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar
  2. Elements of Greek I and II – DTS on iTunes U
  3. Teknia

Number 2 above is the best free audio resource available, to the best of my knowledge. The other course lectures I’ve found only offer snippets for free; some only offer the first few lectures. It seems to me that the DTS courses contain full lectures of the entirety of the courses, which is a huge blessing for self-studiers. These courses follow Mounce’s text, which is an added bonus for those using BBG.

Teknia is Mounce’s own website, on which his videos for BBG can be sampled and purchased. It also seems to have a wealth of free learning resources, which I’m excited to explore.

And finally, there is a great group on Facebook called Nerdy Language Majors. Be sure to request to join the group if you have any interest in the biblical languages! I have already gotten many great suggestions and much encouragement for learning Greek; there is also lively and informative discussion of biblical texts.

Some Preliminary Thoughts
Today I read the first three chapters of BBG (first two were introductory, and chapter 3 is on alphabet and pronunciation). I already knew the alphabet because of 1) studying math and physics and 2) being social Greek (i.e. in a sorority) in undergrad. Truly, the Lord redeems all things! 😀 I just have to retrain myself on a few things that these experiences incorrectly taught me. For example, in math π is pronounced like pie, whereas in Greek it’s pronounced like pea.

My current plan is to work through a chapter a week, but I may also go quicker depending on how well I grasp the material. I really can’t wait to get beyond the basics. As I was reading about the alphabet today my mind was already on verbal aspect 😀

If you’re reading this and happen to be self-studying Greek as well, please comment! I’d love to connect. And even if you’re seasoned in Greek, feel free to also comment!

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  1. I’m working on my Greek Grammar still =)
    I’m reading a work right now on Greek prepositions, got to be stronger in my exegesis


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